Cervical precancer and invasive cancer among women living with HIV in Latin America: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Data on the occurrence of cervical precancer and cancer among women living with HIV (WLHIV) in Latin American countries (LAC) are scarce and highly heterogeneous. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review summarizing data about the incidence/prevalence of invasive cervical cancer (CC) and high-grade precancerous lesions among WLHIV in LAC. Literature in PubMed and LILACS was searched. The primary outcome was invasive cancer incidence, and prevalence of high-grade lesions as key indicators for the WHO CC elimination strategy. Individual reports on invasive cancer incidence and prevalence of precancerous lesions were obtained, and a random effects meta-analysis was conducted for the latter. RESULTS: In total, 34,343 WLHIV from four studies reporting CC incidence in seven LAC were included, and 6079 WLHIV from 17 studies reporting prevalence of precancerous lesions in three LAC were included. CC incidence ranged between 136.0 and 398.4 per 100,000 WLHIV (with or without antiretroviral therapy). The weighted prevalence of high-grade lesions was 4.1% (95%CI: 3.8%–6.0%) with a double peak at ages 20–24 and 35–39 years. Differences in prevalence of high-grade lesions were also observed by screening approach: co-testing (11.9%), colposcopy (6.0%), cytology (4.2%), and HPV tests (3.2%). CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of invasive cancer and prevalence of high-grade lesions underline challenges to reach the WHO’s elimination goal of CC incidence below four per 100,000 among WLHIV. Moreover, the high prevalence of high-grade lesions at younger ages than in the general population is a call to accelerate the implementation of the new WHO screening recommendations in WLHIV.


Fernández-Deaza G, Negrete-Tobar G, Caicedo M, Téllez N, Mello MB, Ghidinelli M, Nuche-Berenguer B, Murillo R




  • Epidemiology and Determinants of Health
    • Epidemiology
  • Population(s)
    • Women
    • General HIV+ population
  • Co-morbidities
    • Cancer


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