SHARE Search Tips

The SHARE database can be searched using a combination of keywords and taxonomies; alternatively, SHARE can be searched using keywords, one taxonomy, or multiple taxonomies.
How to find a particular systematic review article:
Make sure to put the title in quotation marks in the search bar to find matching articles. For example, “A realist systematic review of stigma reduction interventions for HIV prevention and care continuum outcomes among men who have sex with men”.
How to find systematic review publications by a particular author:
Type in the last name of an author in the search bar (it does not have to be the publication’s first author). For example, Smith. If you know the first initial, you can type in the last name and the first initial in quotation marks. For example, “Smith A”.
How to find a Rapid Response published by the OHTN:
In the search bar, type “Ontario HIV Treatment Network” in quotation marks to bring up the 150+ Rapid Responses. Alternatively, you can visit the main website for the OHTN’s Rapid Response program, located at:
How to search for specific keywords:
In SHARE, you do not need to use truncation symbols (so called wildcards, such as *, $, or ?). Simply entering stigma (instead of stigma*) as a keyword will retrieve variations of this term that include the entire word. The search will yield articles containing the words stigma, stigmatize, stigmatized, stigmatizing, etc.
How to search for an exact phrase:
Use quotation marks when searching for an exact word or phrase. For example, if you’re looking for articles on pre-exposure prophylaxis, put the entire phrase in quotation marks: “pre-exposure prophylaxis”. This will ensure that the search yields articles containing the phrase pre-exposure prophylaxis in the title or abstract while omitting articles that use the terms pre or exposure or prophylaxis separately such as pre-emptive or pre-eclampsia.
*NOTE: Some terms may be grammatically different across articles – if you’re interested in articles on pre-exposure prophylaxis, consider entering “pre-exposure prophylaxis”, “pre exposure prophylaxis”, “preexposure prophylaxis”, “PrEP”. For more than one common spelling of words (such as behaviour and behavior, aging and ageing) you will have to search for them separately.
How to use the topic filters under the keyword search bar to refine your search:
- Selecting two or more taxonomies within the same topic – such as Women, People who use drugs, Sex workers from the ‘Population(s)’ topic – produces articles on:
Women OR People who use drugs OR Sex workers
- Selecting two or more taxonomies across multiple topics – such as Women from ‘Population(s)’ and Retention in care from ‘Prevention, engagement, and care cascade’ – produces articles on:
Women AND Retention in care
- Selecting two or more taxonomies within the same topic and across multiple topics such as Women, People who use drugs, Sex workers from ‘Population(s)’ and Retention in care and Treatment from ‘Prevention, engagement, and care cascade’ – produces articles on:
(Women OR People who use drugs OR Sex workers) AND (Retention in care OR Treatment)