HIV/sexual risk reduction interventions in China: A meta-analysis


The current study was a meta-analysis of the efficacy of educational, psychosocial or behavioral interventions that were conducted in China to promote HIV/sexual risk reduction. A total of 26 intervention studies qualified for the meta-analysis. Outcome variables for which effect sizes were calculated included condom use with different types of sexual partners, HIV/AIDS knowledge, condom use knowledge, intentions of condom use, condom use self-efficacy, and others. Mean weighted effect sizes were calculated for each outcome measure across reviewed studies; effect size for each outcome measure was weighted by their inverse variance; fixed effects and random effects meta-analytic procedures were used. The Q statistic was used to examine whether the effect sizes were homogeneous in nature and moderating analysis (i.e., the Q b statistic) was used to compare the effect sizes of intervention studies that were different in a number of categorical variables. The reviewed interventions were successful in improving HIV knowledge (d=0.706), condom use knowledge (d=0.620), attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA; d=0.625) and in increasing condom use with regular partners (d=0.477), condom use with casual partners (d=0.444), general condom use (d=0.408), and condom use self-efficacy (d=0.584) among target audiences. In addition, moderating analyses on three most examined variables, including HIV knowledge, condom use, and attitudes toward PLWHA, demonstrated that interventions that reported the conduction of formative research and process evaluation, that were peer-led, and that included only one follow-up were more likely to report a positive impact on condom use behavior among target audiences (p<0.001), HIV knowledge (p<0.001), or attitudes toward PLWHA (p<0.001).


Xiao Z, Li X, Mehrotra P.




  • Population(s)
    • General HIV- population
    • Other
  • Prevention
    • Sexual risk behaviour


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