Interventions to improve retention in HIV primary care: A systematic review of US studies


Retaining HIV-diagnosed persons in care is a national priority, but little is known on what intervention strategies are most effective for promoting retention in care. We conducted a systematic search and qualitatively reviewed 13 published studies and three recent conference presentations to identify evidence-informed retention strategies. We extracted information on study design, methods, and intervention characteristics. Strengths-based case management that encourages clients to recognize and use their own internal abilities to access resources and solve problems offered strong evidence for retention in care. Other evidence-informed strategies included peer navigation, reducing structural- and system-level barriers, including peers as part of a health care team, displaying posters and brochures in waiting rooms, having medical providers present brief messages to patients, and having clinics stay in closer contact with patients across time. Opportunities for additional intervention strategies include using community-based organizations as a setting for engaging HIV-infected persons about the importance of regular care and involving patients’ significant others in retention in care interventions.


Morales-Aleman MM, Sutton MY.




  • Population(s)
    • General HIV- population
  • Engagement and Care Cascade
    • Retention in care
  • Health Systems
    • Delivery arrangements


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