A meta-analysis of disclosure of one’s HIV-positive status, stigma and social support


This study provides an analysis of the relationships among perceived stigma, reported disclosure and perceived social support for those living with HIV. The meta-analytic summary of 21 studies (4,104 participants) showed, as predicted, a positive, heterogeneous correlation between disclosure and social support (r = .159), a negative, heterogeneous correlation between stigma and social support (r = -.344) and a negative, homogenous correlation between stigma and disclosure (r = -.189). The heterogeneity of the first two relationships indicates the presence of moderators, which may include participants’ age and publications’ year.


Smith R, Rossetto K, Peterson BL




  • Determinants of Health
    • Social support
    • Stigma/discrimination
    • Other
  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population


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