Condom use in China: Prevalence, policies, issues and barriers


In this review, we describe condom use and its influencing factors in China, with a particular focus on the five populations that are at high risk for HIV/sexually transmissible infections (STI) infection: female sex workers, men who have sex with men, migrant workers, young people and sero-discordant couples. The risk for HIV/STI infection is high while condom use rates are low among these five populations. The 100% Condom Use Programme was successful in trial regions in increasing condom use and decreasing HIV/STI prevalence; however, long-term and routine condom promotion strategies should be in place to ensure better awareness of condom use, high availability of condoms and high rate of condom use among populations at high risk of HIV/STI infection in China. Realistic and vigorous condom-related policies and action plans should be developed and implemented to address the issues and barriers facing condom promotion in China.


Zou H, Xue H, Wang X, Lu D




  • Population(s)
    • Men who have sex with men
    • Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)
    • Immigrants/Refugees/Non-status
    • Sex workers
  • Prevention
    • Sexual risk behaviour


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