Which HIV-infected youth are at risk of developing depression and what treatments help? A systematic review focusing on Southern Africa


Background Depression is common in people with HIV and is associated with lower quality of life, reduced medication adherence, worse disease progression and higher risk of transmission to others. While the majority of HIV-infected youth live in Southern Africa, research has largely focused on adults from Western countries, with limited generalisability across these populations. This review sought to identify and synthesise research on the risk factors for depression in HIV-infected youth in Southern Africa, and to summarise the available evidence on psychosocial interventions to reduce depression. Method A systematic review was conducted of studies using a validated measure of depression in HIV-infected youth (aged


Haines C, Loades ME, Coetzee BJ, Higson-Sweeney N




  • Determinants of Health
    • Food security
    • Stigma/discrimination
    • Abuse
  • Population(s)
    • Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)
  • Mental Health
    • Depression


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