A meta-analysis of HIV postexposure prophylaxis among sexually assaulted patients in the United States


Sexual assault (SA) is a major public health problem that leaves patients at risk for HIV. The gold standard of medical treatment for SA patients includes prophylactic treatment to prevent HIV. A meta-analysis was conducted and examined the rates of nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis (n-PEP) offered to, accepted, and completed by SA patients who presented to emergency departments in the United States. Four points of data were analyzed: (a) SA patients who met the criteria and were offered n-PEP, (b) SA patients who were offered n-PEP and accepted the medication, (c) SA patients who accepted n-PEP treatment and completed at least one follow-up appointment, and (d) SA patients who completed the entire course of n-PEP. Results of the meta-analysis indicated that approximately half of the patients who were offered n-PEP accepted the medication. However, only 25.7% of SA patients who accepted n-PEP completed the full course


Scannell M, Kim T, Guthrie BJ




  • Determinants of Health
    • Abuse
  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
    • General HIV- population
  • Prevention
    • Biomedical interventions


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