A missing link: HIV-/AIDS-related mHealth interventions for health workers in low- and middle-income countries


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Through a review of the peer-reviewed and gray literature on HIV mobile health (mHealth) tools for health workers and in-depth interviews with mHealth leaders in the field, we provide a synthesis of current work and propose mHealth research priorities for HIV prevention, care, and treatment. RECENT FINDINGS: Significant investment in implementation research and bringing together researchers capable of identifying drivers of successful implementation and industry leaders capable of bringing efficacious tools to scale are needed to move this area forward. Effective and appropriate technologies to support health systems in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries are needed to improve the efficiency and quality of health service delivery and ultimately improve health outcomes. Although a growing number of HIV mHealth tools have been developed to support health workers, few of these tools have been rigorously evaluated and even fewer have been brought to scale


Gimbel S, Kawakyu N, Dau H, Unger JA




  • Population(s)
    • Other
  • Health Systems
    • Delivery arrangements


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