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In addition to systematic reviews published in peer reviewed journals, SHARE also includes Rapid Response reviews produced by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN).

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Burden of multidrug-resistant bacteria among HIV-positive individuals in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria are a significant cause of severe infections, particularly in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals because of their weakened immunity. Since there was no previous pooled representative...

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity in people living with HIV: A systematic review of qualitative studies


BACKGROUND: Most people living with HIV (PLWH) are sedentary. This study aimed to synthesize the findings of qualitative studies to understand barriers and facilitators of physical activity (PA) among PLWH,...

A narrative review of novel agents for managing heavily treatment-experienced people living with HIV


Objective: The objective of this review is to compare ibalizumab, fostemsavir, and lenacapavir, present the clinical trials evaluating each agent, and provide guidance on their use in highly-treatment experienced (HTE)...

Costs of HIV testing services in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic literature review


Objective To review HIV testing services (HTS) costs in sub-Saharan Africa. Design A systematic literature review of studies published from January 2006 to October 2020. Methods We searched ten electronic...

Disease intervention specialist-delivered interventions and other partner services for HIV and sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review


INTRODUCTION: Disease intervention specialists (DIS) are critical for delivering partner services programs that provide partner notification, counseling, referral, and other services for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other infections....

Syndemic theory and its use in developing health interventions and programming: A scoping review


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The central tenet of syndemics theory is that disease interactions are driven by social factors, and that these factors have to be understood in order to reduce...

Prevalence and factors associated with transfusion-transmissible infections (HIV, HBV, HCV and Syphilis) among blood donors in Gabon: Systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs) remain a major public health problem in countries with limited resources, particularly in Gabon. Complete information on the prevalence in Gabon of the main TTIs among...

Evidence gaps in economic evaluations of HIV interventions targeting young people: A systematic review


Purpose: Young people living with HIV (YPLWH) face the burden of navigating the unique physical, psychological, and social challenges of adolescence while coping with a stigmatized infectious disease that requires lifelong...

A conceptualization and psychometric evaluation of positive psychological outcome measures used in adolescents and young adults living with HIV: A mixed scoping and systematic review


INTRODUCTION: Sub-Saharan Africa bears the greatest burden of HIV, with comorbid mental conditions highly prevalent in people living with HIV. It is important to evaluate the mental health of adolescents...

Characteristics of sexual health programs for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers: A scoping review


BACKGROUND: Social, cultural, and structural determinants of health for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers can contribute towards poorer sexual health outcomes. People from migrant, refugee, and asylum seeker backgrounds usually...

Caregiver-assisted testing with HIV self-test kits for children 18 months and older: A GRADE systematic review


Caregiver-assisted testing using HIV self-test (CG-HIVST) kits has been proposed to enhance paediatric HIV case finding and contribute toward ending paediatric HIV/AIDS by 2030. We conducted a systematic review to...

A comparison of active pharmacovigilance strategies used to monitor adverse events to antiviral agents: A systematic review


INTRODUCTION: The safety of antiviral agents in real-world clinical settings is crucial, as pre-marketing studies often do not capture all adverse events (AE). Active pharmacovigilance strategies are essential for detecting...

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