Can computer-mediated interventions change theoretical mediators of safer sex? A meta-analysis


The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of computer-mediated interventions (CMIs) aimed at changing theoretical mediators of safer sex. Meta-analytic aggregation of effect sizes from k = 20 studies indicated that CMIs significantly improved HIV/AIDS knowledge, d = .276, p < .001, k = 15, N = 6,625; sexual/condom attitudes, d = .161, p < .001, k = 12, N = 5,816; and condom self-efficacy, d = .186, p < .001, k = 10, N = 3,308. Although assessed in fewer studies, CMIs also significantly increased perceived susceptibility, condom communication, and condom intentions. Effect sizes were found to be of similar magnitude to human-delivered interventions. Exploratory analysis of moderating influences detected few significant variables. Implications for the development and testing of CMIs are discussed.


Noar SM, Pierce LB, Black HG




  • Population(s)
    • Men who have sex with men
    • People who use drugs
    • Other
  • Prevention
    • Sexual risk behaviour


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