Can TasP approaches be implemented in correctional settings?: A review of HIV testing and linkage to community HIV treatment programs


High rates of HIV in correctional populations makes evaluation of programs that increase HIV testing in correctional settings and linkage to HIV treatment upon release, and understanding key implementation issues of these programs, essential to reducing new HIV infection. We conducted a systematic search for studies of outcomes or implementation issues of programs that promote HIV testing or that promote linkage to community HIV treatment post-release. Thirty-five articles met inclusion criteria: nine HIV testing initiatives and four linkage programs. HIV testing uptake rates were between 22% and 98% and rates of linkage to community treatment were between 79% and 84%. Findings suggest that some programs may be effective at reducing HIV transmission within the communities to which inmates return. However, attention to implementation factors, such as organizational culture and staff collaborations, appears critical to the success of these programs. Future research using rigorous design and adequate comparison groups is needed.


Elkington KS, Jaiswal J, Spector AY, Reukauf H, Tesoriero JM, Nash D, Remien RH




  • Population(s)
    • Prisoners
  • Engagement and Care Cascade
    • Linkage/engagement in care
    • Treatment
  • Testing
    • Testing


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