Category Archives: Co-infections
A systematic review of utility of urine lipoarabinomannan in detecting tuberculosis among HIV-positive tuberculosis suspects
Sputum smear microscopy (SSM), though regarded as an inexpensive and popular method for detecting tuberculosis (TB), lacks adequate sensitivity, specifically in adult people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV). Urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM)...
Isoniazid preventive therapy plus antiretroviral therapy for the prevention of tuberculosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
Background: Isoniazid preventive therapy prevents active tuberculosis in people with HIV, but previous studies have found no evidence of benefit in people with HIV who had a negative tuberculin skin...
Magnitude of Cryptococcosis among HIV patients in sub-Saharan Africa countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Cryptococcus is encapsulated opportunistic yeast that causes life threatening meningoencephalitis of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The magnitude of Cryptococcosis among HIV patients varies from 1–10% in Western...
Intestinal parasitic infections and associated factors among people living with HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Intestinal parasitic infections are major public health problems throughout the world, particularly in people living with HIV/AIDS. People living with HIV/AIDS are vulnerable groups for a variety of diseases,...
Should we care about Plasmodium vivax and HIV co-infection? A systematic review and a cases series from the Brazilian Amazon
BACKGROUND: Malaria and HIV are two important public health issues. However, evidence on HIV-Plasmodium vivax co-infection (HIV/PvCo) is scarce, with most of the available information related to Plasmodium falciparum on...
Sexual health interventions delivered to participants by mobile technology: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Background: The use of mobile technologies to prevent STIs is recognised as a promising approach worldwide; however, evidence has been inconclusive, and the field has developed rapidly. With about 1...
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and outcomes from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia: A meta-analysis and meta-regression
BACKGROUND: The number of positive and death cases from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still increasing until now. One of the most prone individuals, even in normal situations is patients...
Sexual and reproductive health outcomes among incarcerated women in Canada: A scoping review
BACKGROUND: Women are the fastest growing population in Canadian prisons. Incarceration can limit access to essential health services, increase health risks and disrupt treatment and supports. Despite legal requirements to...
Risk factors and predictors associated with the severity of COVID-19 in China: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
Since December 2019, the pneumonia cases infected with 2019 novel coronavirus have appeared, posing a critical threat to global health. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis to discover the...
HIV infection and multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in HIV infected individuals is a serious threat to global efforts to combat tuberculosis. Inconsistent findings on the association between HIV infection and MDR-TB were present...
Residual or recurrent precancerous lesions after treatment of cervical lesions in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of treatment failure
BACKGROUND: Screening and treating premalignant cervical lesions (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ [CIN2+]) is an effective way to prevent cervical cancer, and recommendations exist for the monitoring of treatment success. Yet,...