Category Archives: Education
Educational attainment and HIV-1 infection in developing countries: A systematic review
OBJECTIVES: To assess whether educational status is associated with HIV-1 infection in developing countries by conducting a systematic review of published literature. METHODS: Articles were identified through electronic databases and...
Impact of HIV and sexual health education on the sexual behaviour of young people: A review update
To assess the effects of HIV/AIDS and sexual health education on young peoples sexual behaviour, a comprehensive literature review was commissioned by the Department of Policy, Strategy, and Research of...
Health promotion in the city: A structured review of the literature on interventions to prevent heart disease, substance abuse, violence and HIV infection in US metropolitan areas, 1980-1995
To achieve its national public health goals, the US must improve the health of low-income urban populations. To contribute to this process, this study reviewed published reports of health promotion...
Evidence base for children affected by HIV and AIDS in low prevalence and concentrated epidemic countries: Applicability to programming guidance from high prevalence countries
As global commitment grows to protect and support children affected by HIV and AIDS, questions remain about how best to meet the needs of these children in low prevalence settings...