Category Archives: Other
HIV infection associated post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth – A systematic review
The phenomenon of post-traumatic stress has been well documented in the literature as a lasting mental health condition associated with exposure to traumatic life events. The diagnosis and experience of...
A systematic review of the frequency and correlates of partner abuse in HIV-infected women and men who partner with men
Partner abuse (PA) is a highly prevalent and devastating social phenomenon, extracting an economic toll of more than $8 billion annually in the United States due to lost productivity alone....
Intravaginal practices, bacterial vaginosis, and HIV infection in women: Individual participant data meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Identifying modifiable factors that increase women’s vulnerability to HIV is a critical step in developing effective female-initiated prevention interventions. The primary objective of this study was to pool individual...
Neurodevelopment in children born to HIV-infected mothers by infection and treatment status
BACKGROUND: We reviewed the impact of HIV, HIV exposure, and antiretroviral therapy/prophylaxis on neurodevelopmental outcomes of HIV-infected and HIV-exposed-uninfected infants and children. METHODS: A literature search of Medline, Embase, PsychINFO,...
Gender disparities in HIV infection among persons who inject drugs in Central Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
OBJECTIVE: Disparities in HIV infection, with females having higher rates of HIV infection than males, have been noted among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in many countries. We examined male/female...
Complementary and alternative medicine use among HIV-positive people: Research synthesis and implications for HIV care
Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is prevalent among HIV-positive individuals despite the success of antiretroviral treatments and limited evidence of CAM’s safety and efficacy. To characterize the potential...
Improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of TB among people living with HIV: The role of operational research
Operational research is necessary to improve the access to and delivery of tuberculosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions for people living with HIV. We conducted an extensive review of the...
Are females who inject drugs at higher risk for HIV infection than males who inject drugs: An international systematic review of high seroprevalence areas
Objective: There are multiple reasons why females who inject drugs may be more likely to become infected with HIV than males who inject drugs. Where this is the case, special...
A systematic review of the use of atazanavir in women infected with HIV-1
BACKGROUND: Despite increasing numbers of women with HIV worldwide, females are under-represented in clinical trials of antiretrovirals and literature addressing gender differences in clinical outcomes, treatment discontinuation, adverse events and...