Category Archives: Mental Health

Validity of digital assessments in screening for HIV-related cognitive impairment: A review


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: While traditional neuropsychological tests are the gold standard in screening for HIV-related cognitive impairment, computerized neuropsychological assessment devices (CNADs) offer an alternative to these time- and resource-intensive...

Mental health symptoms associated with sexualized drug use (chemsex) among men who have sex with men: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Sexualized drug use (SDU), also known as chemsex, refers to the use of psychoactive substances for sexual purposes among men who have sex with men (MSM), which has been...

Global systematic review of common mental health disorders in adults living with HIV


PURPOSE OF THE REVIEW: By reviewing the most recent common mental health disorders (CMHD) studies in people living with HIV (PLWH) (2018-2020), this review discusses the prevalence of CMHD, factors...

Screening adolescents for sensitive health topics in primary care: A scoping review


We sought to aggregate common barriers and facilitators to screening adolescents for sensitive health topics (e.g., depression, chlamydia) in primary care, as well as those that are unique to a...

The effects of antidepressant medications on antiretroviral treatment adherence in HIV-positive individuals with depression


Background Extant literature has identified Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as a comorbid disorder in individuals with seropositive human immunodeficiency disorder (HIV), and this may affect HIV-treatment efficacy. However, there is...

Systematic review of sex differences in the relationship between hormones and depression in HIV


BACKGROUND: Major depressive disorder is the most common neuropsychiatric comorbidity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and women are more frequently affected in the general population and among those with HIV....

Frailty in people living with HIV: An update


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The HIV population is ageing with rising rates of frailty though strategies of how best to manage it remain ill-defined. It also remains unclear what the prevalence...

Identifying and managing infectious disease syndemics in patients with HIV


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: We will present recent articles focusing on HIV synergistic interactions with other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, and hepatitis, as well as recent advances in the study of...

A review of potential microbiome-gut-brain axis mediated neurocognitive conditions in persons living with HIV


The microbiome-gut-brain axis, or the various interactions between the gut microbiome and the brain, has been of recent interest in the context of precision medicine research for a variety of...

The intersection of cognitive ability and HIV: A review of the state of the nursing science


Neurocognitive problems have been endemic to the HIV epidemic since its beginning. Four decades later, these problems persist, but currently, they are attributed to HIV-induced inflammation, the long-term effects of...

The role of oxidative stress in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders


HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) are a leading cause of morbidity in up to 50% of individuals living with HIV, despite effective treatment with antiretroviral therapy (ART). Current evidence suggests that...

The dual burden of HIV infection and first-episode psychosis in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis


A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to synthesize data on HIV prevalence in individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and to provide an overview of the association of HIV with...

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