Category Archives: Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)

Social network-based interventions to promote condom use: A systematic review


Effective sexually transmitted infection (STIs)/HIV prevention programs are urgently needed, but translating evidence-based methods of STI/HIV prevention into sustainable programs has been difficult. Social influences are critical for establishing condom...

Cardiac biomarkers in persons with HIV infection: A review of the literature


No abstract.

Treatment for anemia in people with AIDS


BACKGROUND: Anemia is common in persons with HIV infection and is associated with poor prognosis. There is a need to assess the effects of anemia treatments, and to determine whether...

The impact of participation in performing arts on adolescent health and behaviour: A systematic review of the literature


This article reports a systematic review of literature published between 1994 and 2004 on the effects of performing arts for health in young people aged 11-18. The review includes research...

Is early sexual debut a risk factor for HIV infection among women in sub-Saharan Africa? A systematic review


PROBLEM: In Africa, adolescent girls have high HIV risk. Early sexual debut may be a risk factor, although evidence has not been systematically compiled. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted....

Meta-analytical studies on the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection


Since the beginning of the epidemic, extensive research has been conducted in the field of HIV infection. Original research and subsequent meta-analyses have contributed to a better understanding of the...

HIV risk behavior self-report reliability at different recall periods


Few studies have investigated the optimal length of recall period for self-report of sex and drug-use behaviors. This meta-analysis of 28 studies examined the test-retest reliability of three commonly used...

Zidovudine, didanosine, and zalcitabine in the treatment of HIV infection: meta-analyses of the randomised evidence


BACKGROUND: To assess the effects of zidovudine, didanosine, and zalcitabine on HIV disease progression and survival, we undertook meta-analyses of individual patient data and tabular data from all randomised trials...

Antibiotics for syphilis diagnosed during pregnancy


Background: Congenital syphilis is an increasing problem particularly in many developing countries and in the transitional economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In several countries this increase...

Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique


Background. A legacy of colonial rule coupled with a devastating 16-year civil war through 1992 left Mozambique economically impoverished just as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic swept over southern...

Peer victimization among school-aged children with chronic conditions


Peer victimization is a common problem among school-aged children, and those with chronic conditions are at an increased risk. A systematic review of the literature was carried out to explore...

HIV sexual risk-reduction interventions for youth: A review and methodological critique of randomized controlled trials


The authors review and provide a methodological critique of randomized controlled studies of HIV risk reduction interventions that measured sexual risk behavior outcomes with adolescents. Studies conducted in school, community,...

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