Category Archives: People who use drugs

Meta-analyses of seven of the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s principles of drug addiction treatment


Of the 13 principles of drug addiction treatment disseminated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 7 were meta-analyzed as part of the Evidence-based Principles of Treatment (EPT) project....

A meta-analysis of the effect of HIV prevention interventions on the sex behaviors of drug users in the United States


We examined the effectiveness of 33 U.S.-based HIV intervention studies in reducing the sexual risk behaviors of drug users by reducing unprotected sex or increasing the use of male condoms....

Utilizing buprenorphine-naloxone to treat illicit and prescription-opioid dependence


OBJECTIVES: To review current evidence on buprenorphine-naloxone (bup/nx) for the treatment of opioid-use disorders, with a focus on strategies for clinical management and office-based patient care. QUALITY OF EVIDENCE: Medline...

Acceptability of HIV self-testing: A systematic literature review


BACKGROUND: The uptake of HIV testing and counselling services remains low in risk groups around the world. Fear of stigmatisation, discrimination and breach of confidentiality results in low service usage...

Gender disparities in HIV infection among persons who inject drugs in Central Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis


OBJECTIVE: Disparities in HIV infection, with females having higher rates of HIV infection than males, have been noted among persons who inject drugs (PWID) in many countries. We examined male/female...

Can computer-mediated interventions change theoretical mediators of safer sex? A meta-analysis


The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of computer-mediated interventions (CMIs) aimed at changing theoretical mediators of safer sex. Meta-analytic aggregation of effect sizes from k =...

Antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for preventing HIV in high-risk individuals


Background: More than 30 years into the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, infection rates remain alarmingly high, with over 2.7 million people becoming infected every year. There is a need for HIV...

Brief report: Methadone treatment of injecting opioid users for prevention of HIV infection


OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of oral substitution treatment for opioid-dependent injecting drug users on HIV risk behaviors and infections. DATA SOURCES: Multiple electronic databases were searched. Reference lists of...

Reducing the transmission of HIV-1: Needle bleaching as a means of disinfection


OBJECTIVE: To review the efficacy, safety, and proper methods for use of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) as a means of needle disinfection. DATA SOURCES: Controlled studies cited in MEDLINE between 1966...

A systematic review of behavioral and treatment outcome studies among HIV-infected men who have sex with men who abuse crystal methamphetamine


Men who have sex with men (MSM) have the highest incidence of HIV infection in the United States. One of the contributing factors to HIV spread among this group is...

Effectiveness of different models of case management for substance-abusing populations


Case management has been implemented in substance abuse treatment to improve (cost-) effectiveness, but controversy exists about its potential to realize this objective. A systematic and comprehensive review of peer-reviewed...

Adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis for non-forcible sexual exposure to HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


To characterize adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis after non-forcible sexual exposure to HIV, we conducted a review of the literature and meta-analysis. Articles were considered if they contained primary adherence data...

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