Category Archives: General HIV- population

Reviews on HIV- people that explore topics including risk, screening, and prevention

The association of memory disorders and chronic HIV disease in the antiretroviral therapy era: A systematic literature review


OBJECTIVES: Despite recent pharmacological progress, memory impairment is still frequently reported in people living with HIV. We aimed to conduct a systematic literature review investigating the presence of impairment of...

Positive affect and medication adherence in chronic conditions: A systematic review


OBJECTIVE: This review aims to inform research and clinical care on the current state of knowledge on the relationship between positive affect and medication adherence. METHOD: Searches were carried out...

Barriers to the use of mobile health in improving health outcomes in developing countries: Systematic review


BACKGROUND: The use of mobile health (mHealth) technologies to improve population-level health outcomes around the world has surged in the last decade. Research supports the use of mHealth apps to...

The use of technology for sexually transmitted disease partner services in the United States: A structured review


BACKGROUND: Since the late 1990s, health departments and sexually transmitted disease (STD) programs throughout the United States have used technologies, such as the Internet and mobile phones, to provide services...

Risk factors for infectious diseases in urban environments of sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and critical appraisal of evidence


Our world is rapidly urbanizing. According to the United Nations, between 1990 and 2015, the percent of the world’s population living in urban areas grew from 43% to 54%. Estimates...

The risk of coercion in the context of HIV self-testing


Key take-home messages While studies to date indicate that there are many benefits of HIV self-testing (also known as home-testing) and the risk of harm through coerced self-testing is minimal,...

The impact, cost and cost-effectiveness of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review of modelling contributions and way forward


INTRODUCTION: Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a new form of HIV prevention being considered for inclusion in national prevention portfolios. Many mathematical modelling studies have been undertaken that speak to...

Leveraging the lessons learned from financing HIV programs to advance the universal health coverage (UHC) agenda in the East African community


Background: Although there is broad consensus around the need to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) in Sub-Saharan Africa, the financing strategies for achieving it are still unclear. We...

Prevalence of HIV infection among Chinese voluntary blood donors during 2010-2017: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Understanding the latest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in voluntary blood donors could be of great value to further increase blood safety in China, as transfusion-transmitted infection places a...

Evidence for optimal HIV screening and testing intervals in HIV-negative individuals from various risk groups: A systematic review


Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing plays a crucial role in Canada’s HIV prevention and treatment efforts and is the first step to achieving the Joint United Nations Programme on...

HIV testing barriers and intervention strategies among men, transgender women, female sex workers and incarcerated persons in the Caribbean: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: This systematic review summarises evidence on the HIV testing barriers and intervention strategies among Caribbean populations and provides pertinent implications for future research endeavours designed to increase rates of...

The impacts of the global gag rule on global health: A scoping review


Background: The 1984 Mexico City Policy is a U.S. federal policy that has prohibited foreign nongovernmental organizations that receive U.S. international family planning assistance from using their own, non-U.S. funds...

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