HIV and tuberculosis in prisons in sub-Saharan Africa
Given the dual epidemics of HIV and tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa and evidence suggesting a disproportionate burden of these diseases among detainees in the region, we aimed to investigate the...
Status of HIV and hepatitis C virus infections among prisoners in the Middle East and North Africa: Review and synthesis
INTRODUCTION: The status of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections among incarcerated populations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the links between prisons and the HIV...
Can TasP approaches be implemented in correctional settings?: A review of HIV testing and linkage to community HIV treatment programs
High rates of HIV in correctional populations makes evaluation of programs that increase HIV testing in correctional settings and linkage to HIV treatment upon release, and understanding key implementation issues...
Prevention of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and tuberculosis in prisoners
The prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and tuberculosis are higher in prisons than in the general population in most countries worldwide. Prisons have emerged as a...
The perfect storm: incarceration and the high-risk environment perpetuating transmission of HIV, hepatitis C virus, and tuberculosis in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Despite global reductions in HIV incidence and mortality, the 15 UNAIDS-designated countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) that gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 constitute the...
Attitudes and acceptability on HIV self-testing among key populations: A literature review
HIV self-testing (HIVST) is a potential strategy to overcome disparities in access to and uptake of HIV testing, particularly among key populations (KP). A literature review was conducted on the...
Review: An urgent need for research on factors impacting adherence to and retention in care among HIV-positive youth and adolescents from key populations
INTRODUCTION: The 50% increase in HIV-related deaths in youth and adolescents (aged 10-24) from 2005 to 2012 highlights the need to improve HIV treatment and care in this population, including...
Routine testing for blood-borne viruses in prisons: A systematic review
BACKGROUND: People in prison have a higher burden of blood-borne virus (BBV) infection than the general population, and prisons present an opportunity to test for BBVs in high-risk, underserved groups....
The HIV care cascade before, during, and after incarceration: A systematic review and data synthesis
We conducted a systematic literature review of the data on HIV testing, engagement in care, and treatment in incarcerated persons, and estimated the care cascade in this group. We identified...
Isoniazid preventive therapy in correctional facilities: A systematic review
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and the main cause of death in correctional facilities in middle- and low-income countries. Due to the closed environment...
A review of HIV prevention interventions for juvenile offenders
OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical review of all HIV prevention intervention studies conducted with adolescents in juvenile justice settings to inform future intervention development. METHOD: PubMed and PsycInfo database searches...
HIV, alcohol dependence, and the criminal justice system: A review and call for evidence-based treatment for released prisoners
BACKGROUND: People with both HIV and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are disproportionately concentrated within the U.S. criminal justice system; approximately one-quarter of all people with HIV cycle through the system...