Category Archives: Sex workers

Epidemiology, responses, and way forward: The silent epidemic of viral hepatitis and HIV coinfection in Vietnam


Viral hepatitis is a disease of great concern to public health that is now met by a favorable momentum to combat the global epidemic. This article is intended to highlight...

The epidemiology of HIV infection in Morocco: Systematic review and data synthesis


Morocco has made significant strides in building its HIV research capacity. Based on a wealth of empirical data, the objective of this study was to conduct a comprehensive and systematic...

Risk of window period HIV infection in high infectious risk donors: Systematic review and meta-analysis


The OPTN defines high risk donors (HRDs), colloquially known as ‘CDC high risk donors’, as those thought to carry an increased risk of HIV window period (WP) infection prior to...

Adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis for non-forcible sexual exposure to HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


To characterize adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis after non-forcible sexual exposure to HIV, we conducted a review of the literature and meta-analysis. Articles were considered if they contained primary adherence data...

Socio-demographic characteristics and behavioral risk factors of female sex workers in sub-saharan Africa: A systematic review


Sex work remains an important contributor to HIV transmission within early, advanced and regressing epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa, but its social and behavioral underpinnings remain poorly understood, limiting the impact...

Effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions in developing countries


Objective: To review the effectiveness of projects and programs in developing countries that aim to reduce sexual transmission of HIV infection or transmission related to injection drug use. Design: We...

HIV/STI prevention interventions targeting FSWs in China: A systematic literature review


A rapid increase in heterosexual transmission of HIV and a high prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in China signals potential outbreaks of generalized epidemics. A large proportion of heterosexual...

HIV/STI risk among venue-based female sex workers across the globe: A look back and the way forward


Female sex workers (FSWs) continue to represent a high-risk population in need of targeted HIV prevention interventions. Targeting environmental risk factors should result in more sustainable behavior change than individual-level...

The expanding epidemics of HIV type 1 among men who have sex with men in low- and middle-income countries: Diversity and consistency


Men who have sex with men (MSM) have borne a disproportionate burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and remain a markedly underresourced population globally. To better describe HIV epidemics...

Condom use in China: Prevalence, policies, issues and barriers


In this review, we describe condom use and its influencing factors in China, with a particular focus on the five populations that are at high risk for HIV/sexually transmissible infections...

Microenterprise development interventions for sexual risk reduction: A systematic review


Comprehensive interventions that address both individual and structural determinants associated with HIV/STI risk are gaining increasing attention over the past decade. Microenterprise development offers an appealing model for HIV prevention...

Behavioural interventions for HIV positive prevention in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Objective To assess the evidence for a differential effect of positive prevention interventions among individuals infected and not infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in developing countries, and to assess...

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