Category Archives: Retention in care

Integrating care for diabetes and hypertension with HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review


INTRODUCTION: Although HIV continues to have a high prevalence among adults in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) such as diabetes and hypertension is increasing rapidly. There...

Mobile applications in HIV self-management: A systematic review of scientific literature


Self-management through mHealth by mobile apps creates new opportunities for people living with HIV (PLHIV) for integrated and accurate management. Our study focused on current evidence on HIV selfmanagement mobile...

HIV care outcomes among transgender persons with HIV infection in the United States, 2006–2021


Objectives: HIV prevalence is an estimated 14% among transgender women (TW) and 3% among transgender men (TM). HIV care is vital for viral suppression but is hindered by transphobia and HIV...

Integrating HIV services and other health services: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Integration of HIV services with other health services has been proposed as an important strategy to boost the sustainability of the global HIV response. We conducted a systematic and...

Peer- and community-led responses to HIV: A scoping review


INTRODUCTION: In June 2021, United Nations (UN) Member States committed to ambitious targets for scaling up community-led responses by 2025 toward meeting the goals of ending the AIDS epidemic by...

HIV care continuum interventions for transgender women: A topical review


Transgender women experience a disproportionate prevalence of HIV and barriers to linkage to care, retention in care, medication adherence, and viral suppression. As part of a national cooperative agreement funded...

Strategies to improve HIV care outcomes for people with HIV who are out of care: a meta-analysis


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of five intervention strategies: patient navigation, appointment help/alerts, psychosocial support, transportation/appointment accompaniment, and data-to-care on HIV care outcomes among persons...

Community-based ART service delivery for key populations in sub-Saharan Africa: Scoping review of outcomes along the continuum of HIV care


HIV positive key population (KP) often face health system and social barriers to HIV care. KP include sex workers, men who have sex with men, persons who inject drugs, transgender...

Cost-effectiveness of HIV retention and re-engagement interventions in high-income countries: A systematic literature review


Engagement in lifelong HIV care is critical for both patient and public health, yet there are limited resources to invest in improving HIV outcomes. We systematically reviewed evidence on the...

Adolescents and young adults with early acquired HIV infection in the United States: Unique challenges in treatment and secondary prevention


INTRODUCTION: Worldwide, children who acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at an early age, either perinatally or through blood transfusion, are reaching adolescence and adulthood due to successful antiretroviral treatment (ART)....

The intersection of cognitive ability and HIV: A review of the state of the nursing science


Neurocognitive problems have been endemic to the HIV epidemic since its beginning. Four decades later, these problems persist, but currently, they are attributed to HIV-induced inflammation, the long-term effects of...

Improving retention in antenatal and postnatal care: A systematic review of evidence to inform strategies for adolescents and young women living with HIV


INTRODUCTION: Young pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV (WLHIV) are at high risk of poor outcomes in prevention of mother-to-child transmission services. The aim of this systematic review was...

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