Category Archives: Education/media campaigns

What works? Prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, northeast Asia and southeast Asia living in high-income countries: A systematic review


Migration is a significant risk factor for the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An increasing proportion of these infections...

Strength-based interventions for HIV prevention and sexual risk reduction among girls and young women: A resilience-focused systematic review


Despite significant public health efforts, girls and young women still face gender-specific barriers to achieving optimal physical and mental health. Public health interventions have historically addressed the health needs of...

Effectiveness of text messaging interventions on prevention, detection, treatment, and knowledge outcomes for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Rates of STIs continue to rise worldwide, and novel evidence-based interventions such as text messaging aimed at improving client services are needed. We conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate text...

Cost effectiveness of HIV and sexual reproductive health interventions targeting sex workers: A systematic review


Background: Sex workers have high incidences of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Although, interventions targeting sex workers have shown to be effective, evidence on which strategies are most cost-effective...

Trends and emerging directions in HIV risk and prevention research in the Philippines: A systematic review of the literature


BACKGROUND: The Philippines is experiencing one of the fastest growing epidemics globally. Evidence-based public health policies are needed. To describe the public health literature on HIV risk groups and prevention...

HIV, sexually transmitted infection, and substance use continuum of care interventions among criminal justice-involved black men who have sex with men: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Because Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) experience high rates of both HIV and incarceration relative to other groups, the various stages of criminal justice involvement may...

Educational technologies and practices for prevention of vertical HIV transmission


OBJECTIVE: to assess available evidence on educational technologies and practices for prevention of vertical HIV transmission. METHOD: LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, BDENF, between April and May 2016, with the descriptors: “Vertical...

Social media and HIV


Key take-home messages Through a review of the literature, we were unable to locate any evaluations related to the use of social media. We identified four examples of Facebook pages...

Sports and social gay networks for HIV prevention


Key take-home messages We were unable to locate any research evidence assessing sport and/or social gay networks as HIV prevention strategies. The studies we did identify assess social networks as...

The use of social marketing campaigns to increase HIV testing uptake: A systematic review


Social marketing campaigns have been increasingly used in HIV prevention efforts to address barriers to HIV testing. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the social marketing campaigns in...

Psychosocial and behavioural interventions towards HIV risk reduction for serodiscordant couples in Africa: A systematic review


Background: Sexual transmission of HIV frequently occurs in the context of a primary relationship between two partners; however, HIV prevention interventions generally focus on individuals at risk, rather than specifying...

Cost-effectiveness of front-line services (Updated 2010)


Key take-home messages There is no one-size-fits-all cost-effective HIV strategy. An intervention that is found to be effective at preventing HIV infection has a good chance of being cost-effective due...

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