Systematic mapping of relationship-level protective factors and sexual health outcomes among sexual minority youth: The role of peers, parents, partners, and providers
Sexual minority youth (SMY) experience elevated rates of adverse sexual health outcomes. Although risk factors driving these outcomes are well studied, less attention has been paid to protective factors that...
Transgender men’s sexual health and HIV risk
Key take-home messages There is very little research about transmen’s sexual health, or their rates of HIV and STI infection. Existing research involving relatively small groups of transmen has found...
The effect of alcohol consumption on ART adherence and sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men
Key take-home messages Among people living with HIV, alcohol consumption can have an impact on viral load and CD4 counts and affect adherence to antiretroviral regimens. Many studies have found...
East and South East Asian women’s sexual health
Key take-home messages There is very little research that exclusively focuses on the sexual health and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and/or HIV prevention for East and South East...
Impact of victimization on the health of men who have sex with men
Key take-home messages Men who have sex with men who have been victimized report high rates of unprotected anal sex and other HIV risk behaviours. Sexual minority adults who have...
Gay and bisexual men rural outreach
Key take-home messages The internet has been to be an effective tool to reach populations that are geographically and/or socially isolated. Rural men who sex with men (MSM) typically have...
Strategies for effectively communicating the risk of HIV transmission
Key take-home messages Probability information alone may not be an effective way of communicating HIV risk information. Information about what causes a health problem, how severe the consequences of that...
Sex worker HIV risk
Key take-home messages The Canadian literature primarily encompasses female sex workers in Vancouver, and studies from other high income countries often addressed demographic niches that were not transferrable to the...
The effect of non-injection drug use on sexual risk behaviours and ART adherence among men who have sex with men
Key take-home messages Some men who have sex with men may use various substances to overcome negative emotions, alleviate social unease, or enhance sexual experiences. The majority of studies focus...
The willingness of PHAs living in high-income settings to negotiate condom use and use condoms during sex
Key take-home messages There is a controversial belief held by PHAs about the efficacy of HAART to reduce or prevent HIV transmission and/or an understanding of having an undetectable viral...
HIV prevalence and correlations in prisons in different regions of the world: A review article
The prevalence of HIV is substantially higher among prisoners than the general population, while the incidence varies considerably in different regions around the world. If we consider Sub-Saharan Africa as...
Migrant farm workers and sexual health
Key take-home messages The instability and mobility of migrant farm workers create unique barriers to accessing health care services including: transportation, cultural, language, and legal barriers. These barriers may prevent...