Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour
Social support and HIV-related risk behaviors: A systematic review of the global literature
Existing empirical evidence has well documented the role of social support in both physical and psychological well-being among various populations. In the context of HIV prevention, the rapid increase of...
Cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: A systematic review of the evidence
BACKGROUND: Evidence for cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS in Africa is fragmentary. Cost-effectiveness is, however, highly relevant. African governments face difficult choices in striking the right balance between prevention, treatment,...
Efficacy of structural-level condom distribution interventions: A meta-analysis of U.S. and international studies, 1998-2007
This systematic review examines the overall efficacy of U.S. and international-based structural-level condom distribution interventions (SLCDIs) on HIV risk behaviors and STIs and identifies factors associated with intervention efficacy. A...
Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for changing HIV-related risk behavior in developing countries
BACKGROUND: Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) continues to play a critical role in HIV prevention, care and treatment. In recent years, different modalities of VCT have been implemented, including clinic-,...
Population-based biomedical sexually transmitted infection control interventions for reducing HIV infection
BACKGROUND: The transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is closely related to the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Similar risk behaviours, such as frequent unprotected intercourse with different...
A systematic review of behavioral interventions to prevent HIV infection and transmission among heterosexual, adult men in low-and middle-income countries
Prevention of new HIV infections needs to move to the forefront in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In the current economic crisis, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) should invest...
Do spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 prevent sexually transmitted infections: A meta-analysis
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are conflicting opinions on whether to recommend spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). GOAL: To systematically review and...