Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour

Social support and HIV-related risk behaviors: A systematic review of the global literature


Existing empirical evidence has well documented the role of social support in both physical and psychological well-being among various populations. In the context of HIV prevention, the rapid increase of...

An integrative review of comprehensive sex education for adolescent girls in Kenya


Purpose: The purposes of this article are to identify and review comprehensive sex education programs (CSEPs) available to adolescent females in Kenya, East Africa, to discuss barriers to implementing CSEPs...

Cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: A systematic review of the evidence


BACKGROUND: Evidence for cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS in Africa is fragmentary. Cost-effectiveness is, however, highly relevant. African governments face difficult choices in striking the right balance between prevention, treatment,...

Review and meta-analysis of couple-oriented interventions for chronic illness


BACKGROUND: Evidence continues to build for the impact of the marital relationship on health as well as the negative impact of illness on the partner. Targeting both patient and partner...

Efficacy of structural-level condom distribution interventions: A meta-analysis of U.S. and international studies, 1998-2007


This systematic review examines the overall efficacy of U.S. and international-based structural-level condom distribution interventions (SLCDIs) on HIV risk behaviors and STIs and identifies factors associated with intervention efficacy. A...

Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for changing HIV-related risk behavior in developing countries


BACKGROUND: Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) continues to play a critical role in HIV prevention, care and treatment. In recent years, different modalities of VCT have been implemented, including clinic-,...

Population-based biomedical sexually transmitted infection control interventions for reducing HIV infection


BACKGROUND: The transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is closely related to the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Similar risk behaviours, such as frequent unprotected intercourse with different...

A systematic review of behavioral interventions to prevent HIV infection and transmission among heterosexual, adult men in low-and middle-income countries


Prevention of new HIV infections needs to move to the forefront in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In the current economic crisis, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) should invest...

A review of HIV interventions for at-risk women


This paper reviews published reports on primary prevention of sexual transmission of HIV with women from the beginning of the AIDS epidemic through March 1996. All reviewed interventions were conducted...

Do spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 prevent sexually transmitted infections: A meta-analysis


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are conflicting opinions on whether to recommend spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). GOAL: To systematically review and...

Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique


Background. A legacy of colonial rule coupled with a devastating 16-year civil war through 1992 left Mozambique economically impoverished just as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic swept over southern...

Behavioral interventions to promote condom use among women living with HIV


BACKGROUND: High rates of HIV infection among women of reproductive age have dramatic consequences for personal and public health. Prophylaxis during sexual intercourse in the form of condoms has been...

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