Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour
Workplace programmes for HIV and tuberculosis: A systematic review to support development of international guidelines for the health workforce
The health service sector has a vital role to play in delivering human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) prevention, treatment and care, yet evidence indicates that healthcare workers (HCWs)...
Are we going to close social gaps in HIV? Likely effects of behavioral HIV-prevention interventions on health disparities
Although experimental behavioral interventions to prevent HIV are generally designed to correct undesirable epidemiological trends, it is presently unknown whether the resulting body of behavioral interventions is adequate to correct...
Gender-transformative interventions to reduce HIV risks and violence with heterosexually-active men: A review of the global evidence
Emerging out of increased attention to gender equality within HIV and violence prevention programming has been an intensified focus on masculinities. A new generation of health interventions has attempted to...
Rethinking the heterosexual infectivity of HIV-1: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Studies of cumulative HIV incidence suggest that cofactors such as genital ulcer disease, HIV disease stage, and male circumcision influence HIV transmission; however, the heterosexual infectivity of HIV-1 is commonly...
HIV and sexual risk behaviors among recognized high-risk groups in Bangladesh: Need for a comprehensive prevention program
OBJECTIVE: To examine trends in HIV and related risk behaviors among recognized high-risk groups in Bangladesh, the types and extent of prevention initiatives that have been undertaken, and highlight the...
Prevention of sexually transmitted HIV infection: A meta-analytic review of the behavioral outcome literature
Social learning theory-based models have recently provided the foundation for a series of twelve controlled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk reduction intervention studies that have examined sexual behavior change. These...
The effectiveness of behavioural and psychosocial HIV/STI prevention interventions for MSM in Europe: A systematic review
Given the need of programme planners and policy makers for descriptions of specific interventions and quantitative estimates of intervention effects to make informed decisions concerning prevention funding and research, there...
Moderators of the relationship between internalized homophobia and risky sexual behavior in men who have sex with men: A meta-analysis
Research on internalized homophobia (IH) has consistently linked it to both mental and physical health outcomes, while research on its relationships with other variables has been inconsistent. Some research and...