Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour

Are HIV epidemics among men who have sex with men emerging in the Middle East and North Africa?: A systematic review and data synthesis


BACKGROUND: Men who have sex with men (MSM) bear a disproportionately higher burden of HIV infection than the general population. MSM in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are...

Scope and effectiveness of mobile phone messaging for HIV/AIDS care: A systematic review


The objective of this mixed method systematic review was to assess the scope, effectiveness, acceptability and feasibility of the use of mobile phone messaging for HIV infection prevention, treatment and...

Epidemiology of HIV infection in the Middle East and North Africa


OBJECTIVE: The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region continues to be perceived as a region with very limited HIV epidemiological data, raising many controversies about the status of the...

Behavioral interventions to reduce the transmission of HIV infection among sex workers and their clients in high-income countries


BACKGROUND: Interventions to change behaviour among sex workers and their clients have been identified as a strategy to reduce HIV transmission. However, there has been no systematic review that has...

Rethinking the heterosexual infectivity of HIV-1: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Studies of cumulative HIV incidence suggest that cofactors such as genital ulcer disease, HIV disease stage, and male circumcision influence HIV transmission; however, the heterosexual infectivity of HIV-1 is commonly...

HIV and sexual risk behaviors among recognized high-risk groups in Bangladesh: Need for a comprehensive prevention program


OBJECTIVE: To examine trends in HIV and related risk behaviors among recognized high-risk groups in Bangladesh, the types and extent of prevention initiatives that have been undertaken, and highlight the...

Prevention of sexually transmitted HIV infection: A meta-analytic review of the behavioral outcome literature


Social learning theory-based models have recently provided the foundation for a series of twelve controlled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk reduction intervention studies that have examined sexual behavior change. These...

The effectiveness of behavioural and psychosocial HIV/STI prevention interventions for MSM in Europe: A systematic review


Given the need of programme planners and policy makers for descriptions of specific interventions and quantitative estimates of intervention effects to make informed decisions concerning prevention funding and research, there...

Genital ulcer disease treatment for reducing sexual transmission of HIV


BACKGROUND: Genital ulcer disease by virtue of disruption of the mucosal surfaces may enhance HIV acquisition. Genital ulcer disease treatment with resolution of the ulcers may therefore contribute in reducing...

HIV prevention in young people in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review


Purpose: To systematically review and update evidence on the effectiveness of youth HIV/AIDS prevention interventions in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and to make evidence-based policy recommendations to guide efforts toward meeting...

HIV prevention interventions to reduce racial disparities in the United States: A systematic review


Racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS in the United States despite advances in prevention methodologies. The goal of this study was to systematically review the past 30...

Spending of HIV resources in Asia and Eastern Europe: Systematic review reveals the need to shift funding allocations towards priority populations


INTRODUCTION: It is increasingly important to prioritize the most cost-effective HIV interventions. We sought to summarize the evidence on which types of interventions provide the best value for money in...

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