Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour
A systematic review of published evidence on intervention impact on condom use in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
OBJECTIVE: There has been much debate about the value of condoms in HIV/STI programming. This should be informed by evidence about intervention impact on condom use, but there is limited...
A meta-analytic review of HIV behavioral interventions for reducing sexual risk behavior of men who have sex with men
This meta-analysis examines the efficacy of international HIV prevention interventions designed to reduce sexual risk behavior of men who have sex with men (MSM). We performed a comprehensive search of...
Cost-effectiveness of community-level approaches to HIV prevention: A review
Effective community-level HIV prevention strategies have the potential to reach large numbers of at-risk individuals at relatively small per-capita costs, and therefore to be highly cost-effective. We review the published...
Economic costs of HIV/AIDS prevention activities in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper reviews the existing evidence base of the costs of prevention activities in sub-Saharan Africa, considers the degree of comparability between different cost estimates and highlights factors that are important in attempting...
Oral human papillomavirus infection in women with cervical HPV infection: New data from an Italian cohort and a metanalysis of the literature
A key issue in oral HPV infection is whether it can be associated with a genital HPV infection, or whether it can be considered as an independent event. This analysis...
Factors that affect HIV testing and counseling services among heterosexuals in Canada and the United Kingdom: An integrated review
OBJECTIVE: To examine factors that affect the utilization of HIV testing and counseling (HTC) services among heterosexual populations in Canada and the U.K. METHODS: We conducted an integrated review of...
Synthesizing gender based HIV interventions in Sub-Sahara Africa: A systematic review of the evidence
Gender is a critical component of HIV and sexual risk interventions. Examining the range, effectiveness and methodological rigor of studies that include a gender based component can inform current interventions...
The effectiveness of MI4MSM: How useful is motivational interviewing as an HIV risk prevention program for men who have sex with men? A systematic review
Among men who have sex with men (MSM), the principal risk practice for HIV infection is unprotected anal intercourse, often engaged in under the influence of alcohol and other substances....
Material and social incentives to participation in behavioral interventions: A meta-analysis of gender disparities in enrollment and retention in experimental human immunodeficiency virus prevention interventions.
Objective: A meta-analysis was conducted to test theoretical hypotheses about the predictors of enrollment and completion of condom-use-promotion interventions among men and women. Design: A meta-analysis summarized research reports of...