Category Archives: Nonmedicinal drugs
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies evaluating the effect of medication treatment for opioid use disorder on infectious disease outcomes
The opioid epidemic has fueled infectious disease epidemics. We determined the impact of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on treatment outcomes of opioid use disorder (OUD)-associated infectious diseases: antiretroviral...
Assessing HIV and overdose risks for people who use drugs exposed to compulsory drug abstinence programs (CDAP): A systematic review and meta-analysis
Background: Evidence supports integrating drug use treatment, harm reduction, and HIV prevention services to address dual epidemics of drug use disorders and HIV. These dual epidemics have spurred a rise in...
Interventions for addressing trauma among people with HIV: A narrative review
Traumatic experiences are disproportionately prevalent among people with HIV and adversely affect HIV-related health outcomes. As part of a national cooperative agreement funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s...
Coordinating systems of care for HIV and opioid use disorder: A systematic review of enablers and barriers to integrated service access, and systems and tools required for implementation
Individuals who have HIV who also use drugs experience increased age-matched morbidity and mortality in comparison with those with HIV who do not use drugs. A systematic review was conducted...
Effectiveness of and best practices for using contingency management and incentives in hepatitis C infection among people who use drugs
Using contingency management and incentives at the different steps of HIV care continuum (such as testing, treatment adherence, viral suppressions) is widely explored and discussed in the literature, whereas the...
Factors associated with methamphetamine use among men who have sex with men
An abundance of literature details problematic sexualized drug use among men who have sex with men; additionally, several interventions attempt to address methamphetamine dependence in this population. Several factors are...