Category Archives: Health Systems
Health and non-health benefits and equity impacts of individual-level economic relief programs during epidemics/pandemics in high income settings: A scoping review
Background Economic relief programs are strategies designed to sustain societal welfare and population health during a regional or global scale infectious disease outbreak. While economic relief programmes are considered essential...
Digital technology for HIV self-management in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review of adolescents’ preferences
Digital health technology interventions have shown promise in enhancing self-management practices among adolescents living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (ALHIV). The objective of this scoping review was to identify the preferences...
Factors influencing the uptake of public health interventions delivery by community pharmacists: A systematic review of global evidence
BACKGROUND: Community pharmacies are the first point of contact for most people seeking treatment for minor illnesses globally. In recent years, the role of community pharmacists has evolved, and they...
Understanding practical, robust implementation and sustainability of home-based comprehensive sexual health care: A realist review
This review identifies which elements of home-based comprehensive sexual health care (home-based CSH) impacted which key populations, under which circumstances. A realist review of studies focused on home-based CSH with...
Palliative care considerations for the older adults with HIV/AIDS: A clinical practice review
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has historically been viewed as a terminal condition affecting younger populations, however, with advancements in antiretroviral therapy (ART) and better healthcare provisions, people with HIV are...
Characteristics of sexual health programs for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers: A scoping review
BACKGROUND: Social, cultural, and structural determinants of health for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers can contribute towards poorer sexual health outcomes. People from migrant, refugee, and asylum seeker backgrounds usually...
Using mHealth technologies for case finding in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in Africa: Systematic review
BACKGROUND: Mobile health (mHealth) technologies are increasingly used in contact tracing and case finding, enhancing and replacing traditional methods for managing infectious diseases such as Ebola, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and HIV....
Disease intervention specialist-delivered interventions and other partner services for HIV and sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review
INTRODUCTION: Disease intervention specialists (DIS) are critical for delivering partner services programs that provide partner notification, counseling, referral, and other services for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other infections....
Caregiver-assisted testing with HIV self-test kits for children 18 months and older: A GRADE systematic review
Caregiver-assisted testing using HIV self-test (CG-HIVST) kits has been proposed to enhance paediatric HIV case finding and contribute toward ending paediatric HIV/AIDS by 2030. We conducted a systematic review to...