Category Archives: Financial arrangements
How care is paid for
Health promotion in the city: A structured review of the literature on interventions to prevent heart disease, substance abuse, violence and HIV infection in US metropolitan areas, 1980-1995
To achieve its national public health goals, the US must improve the health of low-income urban populations. To contribute to this process, this study reviewed published reports of health promotion...
Patient adherence to HIV medication regimens: A review of published and abstract reports
A literature search was conducted to collect published articles reporting correlates of HIV medication adherence or interventions designed to increase HIV medication adherence. Proceedings from seven HIV/AIDS-related conferences were searched...
Cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: A systematic review of the evidence
BACKGROUND: Evidence for cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS in Africa is fragmentary. Cost-effectiveness is, however, highly relevant. African governments face difficult choices in striking the right balance between prevention, treatment,...
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home palliative care services for adults with advanced illness and their caregivers
Background: Extensive evidence shows that well over 50% of people prefer to be cared for and to die at home provided circumstances allow choice. Despite best efforts and policies, one-third...