Category Archives: Financial arrangements

How care is paid for

Health promotion in the city: A structured review of the literature on interventions to prevent heart disease, substance abuse, violence and HIV infection in US metropolitan areas, 1980-1995


To achieve its national public health goals, the US must improve the health of low-income urban populations. To contribute to this process, this study reviewed published reports of health promotion...

HIV prevention cost-effectiveness: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: After more than 25 years, public health programs have not been able to sufficiently reduce the number of new HIV infections. Over 7,000 people become infected with HIV every...

Patient adherence to HIV medication regimens: A review of published and abstract reports


A literature search was conducted to collect published articles reporting correlates of HIV medication adherence or interventions designed to increase HIV medication adherence. Proceedings from seven HIV/AIDS-related conferences were searched...

A review of HIV in prisons in Nepal


Background: HIV in prisons is a serious public health concern. People in prison are at risk of contracting HIV through injecting drug use, unprotected sex and tattooing. However, most countries...

A systematic review of cost-utility analyses in HIV/AIDS: Implications for public policy


OBJECTIVES: To determine whether gaps exist in published cost-utility analyses as measured by their coverage of topics addressed in current HIV guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services...

Cost-effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions in Africa: A systematic review of the evidence


BACKGROUND: Evidence for cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS in Africa is fragmentary. Cost-effectiveness is, however, highly relevant. African governments face difficult choices in striking the right balance between prevention, treatment,...

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home palliative care services for adults with advanced illness and their caregivers


Background: Extensive evidence shows that well over 50% of people prefer to be cared for and to die at home provided circumstances allow choice. Despite best efforts and policies, one-third...

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