Category Archives: Financial arrangements

How care is paid for

Performance-based financing for improving HIV/AIDS service delivery: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Although domestic HIV/AIDS financing is increasing, international HIV/AIDS financing has plateaued. Providing incentives for the health system (i.e. performance-based financing [PBF]) may help countries achieve more with available resources....

The potential cost-effectiveness of HIV vaccines: A systematic review


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper was to review and compare HIV vaccine cost-effectiveness analyses and describe the effects of uncertainty in model, methodology, and parameterization. METHODS: We systematically searched...

Economic impact of routine opt-out antenatal HIV screening: A systematic review


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the economic impact of routine testing of HIV in antenatal (ANC) settings. BACKGROUND: Many children are being infected with HIV through mother to child transmission (MTCT) of...

A global review of HIV self-testing: Themes and implications


HIV self-test kits may have the potential to increase testing rates around the globe, and thereby lead to reductions in HIV-related incidence and mortality. However, the effectiveness of these self-test...

A systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies reporting cost-per-DALY averted


INTRODUCTION: Calculating the cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted associated with interventions is an increasing popular means of assessing the cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve population health. However, there...

Effective non-drug interventions for improving outcomes and quality of maternal health care in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Many interventions have been implemented to improve maternal health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Currently, however, systematic information on the effectiveness of these interventions remains scarce. We conducted a...

Is cost a structural barrier preventing men who have sex with men accessing condoms? A systematic review


A systematic review was undertaken to determine whether cost is a structural barrier preventing men who have sex with men (MSM) accessing condoms. Studies were examined from a range of...

Barriers and enablers to integrating maternal and child health services to antenatal care in low and middle income countries


Antenatal care (ANC) represents a delivery platform for a broad range of health services; however, these opportunities are insufficiently utilised. This review explores key barriers and enablers for successful integration...

Health-care providers’ experiences with opt-out HIV testing: A systematic review


HIV is now a manageable chronic disease with a good prognosis, but early detection and referral for treatment are vital. In opt-out HIV testing, patients are informed that they will...

Reclaiming fertility awareness methods to inform timed intercourse for HIV serodiscordant couples attempting to conceive


INTRODUCTION: Increased life expectancy of HIV-positive individuals during recent years has drawn attention to their quality of life, which includes fulfillment of fertility desires. In particular, heterosexual HIV serodiscordant couples...

Dynamic transmission economic evaluation of infectious disease interventions in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic literature review


Economic evaluation using dynamic transmission models is important for capturing the indirect effects of infectious disease interventions. We examine the use of these methods in low- and middle-income countries, where...

Option B+ for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in developing countries: A review of published cost-effectiveness analyses


OBJECTIVE: To review the published literature on the cost effectiveness of Option B+ (lifelong antiretroviral therapy) for preventing mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV during pregnancy and breastfeeding to inform decision...

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