Effects of HAART in the nutritional status of children and adolescents infected by HIV in Brazil: A systematic review
The verification of factors associated with growth, body composition and nutritional and nutritional aspects after HIV infection in children or adolescents in Brazil is fundamental for progress in this area. We selected articles published until 2018, available on the platforms PubMed and Lilacs, using the keywords The following descriptors and their associations were used, extracted from MeSH: “Children”, “Adolescent”, “Anthropometry”, “Nutritional Assessment”, “HIV”, “Brazil” adding the filter “and” for advanced searches. A total of 1,450 articles were found, and after selection and full reading, 19 were selected. The studies agreed that children and adolescents living with HIV present or may present alterations in bone metabolism, lipid metabolism and body composition due to infection or associated with therapy. Significant differences were observed in weight and height in infected infants compared to uninfected infants. The evaluation and monitoring of diet quality, as well as serum micronutrient monitoring, are fundamental to guarantee the clinical and treatment conditions of these patients, as well as to prevent disorders due to low nutrient intakes.
Gratao, LHA
- Epidemiology and Determinants of Health
- Determinants of Health
- Determinants of Health
- Food security
- Population(s)
- Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)