HIV vaccine preparedness studies in the non-organization for economic co-operation and development (non-OECD) countries


HIV vaccine development remains an urgent priority. Vaccine preparedness studies to assess feasibility are an important precursor to HIV vaccine trials. Studies such as these have taken place in many non-Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (non-OECD) countries using diverse cohorts. This article is a systematic review of retention rates and willingness to participate (WTP) in HIV vaccine trials. Studies took place in Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, India, Russia, Thailand, and several sub-Saharan African countries. Studies generally reported recruitment of high-risk individuals. Of 33 studies we identified, retention was assessed in 16 studies, and the 12-month retention ranged from 77 to 85%. Willingness to participate was assessed in 21 studies. Willingness to participate ranged from 23 to 100%, and increased knowledge was associated with an increased WTP. Vaccine preparedness studies have taken place using diverse cohorts in the non-OECD countries. In general, retention rates and WTP have been adequate to conduct HIV vaccine trials. Educational programs to improve knowledge about HIV vaccines may contribute to better follow-up and an increased WTP in these countries. [References: 59]


Dhalla S, Nelson KE, Singer J, Poole G.




  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
  • Prevention
    • Biomedical interventions
  • Health Systems
    • Delivery arrangements


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