Impact of HIV and sexual health education on the sexual behaviour of young people: A review update


To assess the effects of HIV/AIDS and sexual health education on young people’s sexual behaviour, a comprehensive literature review was commissioned by the Department of Policy, Strategy, and Research of UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Sixty-eight reports were reviewed. Of 53 studies that evaluated specific interventions, 27 reported that HIV/AIDS and sexual health education neither increased nor decreased sexual activity and attendant rates of pregnancy and STDs. Twenty-two reported that HIV and/or sexual health education either delayed the onset of sexual activity, reduced the number of sexual partners, or reduced unplanned pregnancy and STD rates. Only three studies found increases in sexual behaviour associated with sexual health education. Hence, little evidence was found to support the contention that sexual health and HIV education promote promiscuity. The interpretative value of this research was somewhat compromised, however, because of inadequacies in study design, analytic techniques, outcome indicators, and reporting of statistics. Future education programmes need to incorporate the features that have been associated with successful interventions in the past, as well as mechanisms by which their impact can be evaluated. Programme evaluation should be grounded in solid study design, and valid and appropriate statistical techniques. Gender and developmental stage of students are issues for the educator and researcher at both the design and the evaluation stages of sexual health/HIV education development.


Grunseit A.




  • Determinants of Health
    • Education
    • Other
  • Population(s)
    • Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)
  • Prevention
    • Education/media campaigns
  • Co-infections
    • Other


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