Microfinance interventions and HIV treatment outcomes: A synthesizing conceptual framework and systematic review


BACKGROUND: Microfinance interventions have the potential to improve HIV treatment outcomes, but the mechanisms through which they operate are not entirely clear. OBJECTIVES: To construct a synthesizing conceptual framework for the impact of microfinance interventions on HIV treatment outcomes using evidence from our systematic review. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review by searching electronic databases and journals from 1996 to 2018 to assess the effects of microfinance interventions on HIV treatment outcomes, including adherence, retention, viral suppression, and CD4 cell count. RESULTS: All studies in the review showed improved adherence, retention, and viral suppression, but varied in CD4 cell count following participation in microfinance interventions-overall supporting microfinance’s positive role in improving HIV treatment outcomes. Our synthesizing conceptual framework identifies potential mechanisms through which microfinance impacts HIV treatment outcomes through hypothesized intermediate outcomes. CONCLUSION: Greater emphasis should be placed on assessing the effect mechanisms and intermediate behaviors to generate a sound theoretical basis for microfinance interventions


Nadkarni S, Genberg B, Galarraga O




  • Determinants of Health
    • Income
  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
  • Engagement and Care Cascade
    • Retention in care
    • Treatment


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