Migrant farm workers and sexual health


Key take-home messages
  • The instability and mobility of migrant farm workers create unique barriers to accessing health care services including: transportation, cultural, language, and legal barriers. These barriers may prevent the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and encourage their transmission.
  • Data on the behaviours of migrant farm workers show: lower rates of condom use; higher rates of use of workers in the sex trade; multiple sex partners; needle-sharing activities, and higher rates of substance use.
  • Migrant farm workers may hold misconceptions about safer sex and HIV infection, as well as cultural values, beliefs, and customs that may facilitate HIV acquisition.
  • Engagement in higher-risk behaviours may also be a direct response to daily stress of the migrant farming lifestyle, such as separation from family and community, lack of social support, and lack of control over working and living conditions.


The Ontario HIV Treatment Network: Rapid Response Service




  • Determinants of Health
    • Health services
    • Stigma/discrimination
  • Population(s)
    • Immigrants/Refugees/Non-status
    • General HIV- population
    • Other
  • Prevention
    • Sexual risk behaviour
  • Substance Use
    • Nonmedicinal drugs
  • Mental Health
    • Depression


Abstract/Full paper

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