Most common oral manifestations in pediatric patients HIV positive and the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy
This integrative literature review aims to identify the main oral lesions affecting pediatric patients with HIV, and describe the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on these injuries, comparing it to antiretroviral therapy (ART). A search was conducted in PubMed and Scielo databases, following predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. 19 papers were selected and the main information on the prevalence and frequency of oral manifestations in HIV-positive pediatric patients and effect of therapy applied were extracted. The most frequent injuries were oral candidiasis, gingivitis, parotid gland enlargement and linear gingival erythema. The use of HAART shown to reduce the prevalence of oral manifestations in pediatric patients with HIV and be more effective than ART. The findings of this study suggest that the most frequent oral manifestation in HIV-infected children is oral candidiasis, followed by changes such as gingivitis and enlargement parotid glands. The use of HAART appears to reduce the prevalence of these oral lesions, showing more effective results than ART
Araujo JF, Oliveira AEF, Carvalho HLCC, Roma FRVO, Lopes FF
- Population(s)
- Children or Youth (less than 18 years old)
- General HIV+ population
- Engagement and Care Cascade
- Treatment