Social and behavioural HIV/AIDS research in Jordan: A systematic review


This systematic review evaluated the extent of HIV/AIDS research conducted in Jordan related to behavioural and/or social outcomes. MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and OVID (1980-2009) were searched as well as the International AIDS Society abstract archives (2000-2009). Existing reviews and primary studies were cross-referenced for further citations, and unpublished literature and ongoing trials were searched by contacting experts and active researchers in the field. Google Scholar was used to search in peer-reviewed local or regional journals not included in the above-mentioned databases. Searches were also conducted of Arabic literature. Only 8 relevant studies were identified; all were descriptive cross-sectional studies, either quantitative or qualitative. Convenience samples were used in the majority of the studies, severely limiting the generalizability of the findings. The studies focused on HIV/AIDs knowledge and attitudes in the general population and among health professionals; at-risk populations were not assessed.


Alkhasawneh E, Ismayilova L, Olimat H, El-Bassel N.




  • Epidemiology and Determinants of Health
    • Epidemiology
  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
    • General HIV- population
  • Prevention
    • Sexual risk behaviour
  • Testing
    • Testing
  • Health Systems
    • Delivery arrangements


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