Task shifting and task sharing implementation in Africa: A scoping review on rationale and scope


Numerous studies have reported task shifting and task sharing due to various reasons and with varied scopes of health services, either task-shifted or -shared. However, very few studies have mapped the evidence on task shifting and task sharing. We conducted a scoping review to synthesize evidence on the rationale and scope of task shifting and task sharing in Africa. We identified peer-reviewed papers from PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL bibliographic databases. Studies that met the eligibility criteria were charted to document data on the rationale for task shifting and task sharing, and the scope of tasks shifted or shared in Africa. The charted data were thematically analyzed. Sixty-one studies met the eligibility criteria, with fifty-three providing insights on the rationale and scope of task shifting and task sharing, and seven on the scope and one on rationale, respectively. The rationales for task shifting and task sharing were health worker shortages, to optimally utilize existing health workers, and to expand access to health services. The scope of health services shifted or shared in 23 countries were HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes, mental health, eyecare, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, surgical care, medicines’ management, and emergency care. Task shifting and task sharing are widely implemented in Africa across various health services contexts towards ensuring access to health services.


Okoroafor SC, Christmals CD




  • Population(s)
    • General HIV- population
  • Health Systems
    • Delivery arrangements


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