The association between male circumcision and condom use behavior – A meta-analysis
Introduction: The protective benefit of male circumcision against spreading HIV is well established. Aim: The objective of this Meta-analysis was to investigate behavioral risk compensation measured as the change in condom use behavior in light of knowledge of the benefits of circumcision. Material and Methods: A systematic search was conducted from 6 bibliographic databases for studies that quantitatively assessed a link between male circumcision and condom use behavior. Pooled odd ratios (OR) of condom use during any sexual activity were generated from three cohort studies and two Randomized Control Trails (RCT) that were included in the review. Results: The pooled effects from cohort and RCTs were not statistically significant at 6 months follow-up (OR=0.91, 95% CI: 0.57-1.45), at 12 months (OR=1.08, 95% CI=0.87-1.34) and 24 or more months (OR=1.11, 95% CI: 0.85, 1.45). Conclusion: Male circumcision does not influence condom use behavior in the medium and short term
Kabwama SN, Ssewanyana D, Berg-Beckhoff G
- Population(s)
- General HIV- population
- Prevention
- Sexual risk behaviour