The impact of sporotrichosis in HIV-infected patients: A systematic review


Sporotrichosis is a fungal infection of man and animals caused by Sporothrix complex. It usually presents as a lymphocutaneous form, but disseminated disease may occur. Given the paucity of data about HIV/AIDS and sporotrichosis co-infection, a systematic review of reported cases of HIV-associated sporotrichosis found via Pubmed (1984-2013) was done. A total of 39 papers were included, and 58 patients’ data analyzed. Thirty-three (56.9 %) cases were from Brazil and 18 (31 %) from the USA. Patients’ mean age was 37.8 +/- 10.4 years; males predominated (84.5 %). The median CD4(+) cell count was 97 cells/mm(3). The most common clinical forms were disseminated and disseminated cutaneous with 33 (56.9 %) and 10 (17.5 %) patients, respectively. There was a correlation between CD4(+) count and clinical categories (p = 0.002). Mortality was 30 % and there was a correlation between central nervous system involvement and death (p < 0.001).


Moreira JA, Freitas DF, Lamas CC.




  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
  • Co-infections
    • Other


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