Use of diet, nutritional supplements and exercise in HIV-infected patients receiving combination antiretroviral therapies: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: The use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has improved the prognosis of HIV infection, but it has also been linked to a spectrum of body composition changes and metabolic alterations known as the lipodystrophy syndrome. Nutritional status could influence body composition changes. METHODS: We performed a systematic search of published peer-reviewed data on the effects of diet, nutrition support and exercise on body composition and metabolic complications in patients receiving cART. RESULTS: Few controlled studies, most of them with small sample size, were found. Oral nutritional support increases protein and energy intake, and results in body weight and fat mass gains. Resistance exercise, with or without an aerobic component, increases lean mass and can improve insulin resistance. Low-fat diets or exercise can result in loss of fat mass, and they should be used with caution in subjects with lipoatrophy. CONCLUSIONS: Nutritional support and exercise result in small but significant body composition changes and can be used as complementary interventions. There is a need for further research on nutritional interventions in HIV-infected patients receiving cART. [References: 67]


Leyes P, Martínez E, Forga Mde T.




  • Determinants of Health
    • Other
  • Population(s)
    • General HIV+ population
  • Engagement and Care Cascade
    • Treatment


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