Category Archives: Co-infections

Immune response to COVID-19 and mRNA vaccination in immunocompromised individuals: A narrative review


Immunocompromised individuals are at high risk of poor coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomes and demonstrate a lower immune response to COVID-19 vaccines, including to the novel mRNA vaccines that have...

Access to, usage and clinic outcomes of, online postal sexually transmitted infection services: A scoping review


BACKGROUND: There has been considerable expansion in online postal self-sampling (OPSS) STI services in many parts of the UK, driven by increasing demand on sexual health services and developments in...

Post tuberculosis chronic lung disease in tuberculosis HIV coinfected and non-HIV individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Post tuberculosis (TB) sequelae are faced by many individuals who survive TB. The most common of all is post-TB chronic lung disease (CLD) and pulmonary impairment. We reviewed studies...

Treatment outcomes of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients with or without human immunodeficiency virus co-infection in Africa and Asia: Systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Treatment outcomes of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) is a challenge, especially in resource limited settings. The aim of this study was to compare whether Human Immune Virus (HIV) has...

Mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus among pregnant women with single, dual or triplex infections of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus in Nigeria: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Objectives: To systematically review literature and identify mother-to-child transmission rates of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus among pregnant women with single, dual, or triplex infections...

Significant association between HIV infection and increased risk of COVID-19 mortality: A meta-analysis based on adjusted effect estimates


To investigate the relationship between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the risk of mortality among coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients based on adjusted effect estimate by a quantitative meta-analysis....

Global burden of Cyclospora cayetanensis infection and associated risk factors in people living with HIV and/or AIDS


Cyclospora cayetanensis infections remain one of the most common protozoan opportunistic causes of gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea among people living with HIV and/or AIDS (PLWHA). This study was conducted to provide...

Risk of human immunodeficiency virus acquisition among high-risk heterosexuals with nonviral sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Nonviral sexually transmitted infections (STIs) increase risk of sexually acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Updated risk estimates carefully scrutinizing temporality bias of studies are needed. METHODS: We conducted...

Diagnostic accuracy of WHO screening criteria to guide lateral-flow lipoarabinomannan testing among HIV-positive inpatients: A systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis


Background: WHO recommends urine lateral-flow lipoarabinomannan (LF-LAM) testing with AlereLAM in HIV-positive inpatients only if screening criteria are met. We assessed the performance of WHO screening criteria and alternative screening tests/strategies...

Viral blood-borne infections testing and linkage to care cascade among persons who experience homelessness in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Persons who experience homelessness remain at increased risk for three viral blood-borne infections: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). We assessed the...

Risk of hepatitis C reinfection following successful therapy among people living with HIV: A global systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression


Background: The benefits of direct-acting antivirals towards the elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in people living with HIV are decreased when individuals are reinfected with HCV following treatment. We aimed...

Burden of tuberculosis and hepatitis co-infection among people living with HIV in Nepal: A systematic review and meta-analysis


People living with HIV (PLHIV) are prone to tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis co-infections, which cause substantial burden on morbidity and mortality. However, data on the burden of HIV co-infection from...

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