Category Archives: Depression

Estimating the prevalence of HIV and sexual behaviors among the US transgender population: A review and meta-analysis, 2006-2017


BACKGROUND: Transgender women (transwomen) in the United States have been shown to have high HIV risk with Black and Hispanic transwomen being particularly vulnerable. Growing research on transgender men (transmen)...

Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on people living with HIV and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis


The aim of this review is to examine the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on people living with HIV (PLWH) and depression. A literature search from five electronic databases...

Mindfulness-based intervention among people living with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review


No abstract available

Postpartum women living with HIV: Challenges related to retention in care, treatment adherence, and mental health


Key take-home messages Postpartum women living with HIV may find it challenging to remain engaged in HIV care and achieve optimal adherence to antiretroviral medications. Late entry or suboptimal engagement...

Sexual abstinence among people living with HIV/AIDS


Key take-home messages Diagnosis of HIV infection can have far-reaching implications: people’s sexual interest, the pleasure they derive from sex, their sense of attractiveness or appeal as a sexual partner...

Is alcohol use associated with increased risk of developing adverse health outcomes among adults living with human immunodeficiency virus: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Alcohol use is associated with many HIV-related behaviors that are associated with increased risk of reinfection, transmission, and poorer health outcomes in people living with HIV (PLHIV). The population...

Mindfulness-based therapy for people living with HIV


Key take-home messages Findings from five systematic reviews evaluating mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) — specifically mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) — have found beneficial effects on mental...

The willingness of PHAs living in high-income settings to negotiate condom use and use condoms during sex


Key take-home messages There is a controversial belief held by PHAs about the efficacy of HAART to reduce or prevent HIV transmission and/or an understanding of having an undetectable viral...

Disclosure of HIV-positive status: Towards the development of guidelines, strategies and interventions (Updated 2014)


Key take-home messages HIV disclosure is a lifelong process. Reasons for disclosing/not disclosing change constantly. Many individuals have their own personal strategies and reasons for disclosing, which are carefully planned...

Migrant farm workers and sexual health


Key take-home messages The instability and mobility of migrant farm workers create unique barriers to accessing health care services including: transportation, cultural, language, and legal barriers. These barriers may prevent...

Behavioural emergencies among HIV-positive men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Behavioural emergencies are crises in which a person’s behaviour can become so out of control that he or she becomes a danger to others in their surroundings....

Transitioning from adolescent to adult care in HIV


Key take-home messages A range of social, psychological, economic, structural and cultural factors affect adolescents’ ability to transition from pediatric HIV care to adult care. Compared to HIV-negative adolescents, adolescents...

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