Category Archives: General HIV- population

Reviews on HIV- people that explore topics including risk, screening, and prevention

Pharmacy-based sexual health services: A systematic review of experiences and attitudes of pharmacy users and pharmacy staff


BACKGROUND: Pharmacies are increasingly providing services related to contraception and STIs. Identifying pharmacy staff’ and users’ experiences and attitudes relating to sexual health services is critical to understand users’ needs...

The association of memory disorders and chronic HIV disease in the antiretroviral therapy era: A systematic literature review


OBJECTIVES: Despite recent pharmacological progress, memory impairment is still frequently reported in people living with HIV. We aimed to conduct a systematic literature review investigating the presence of impairment of...

Positive affect and medication adherence in chronic conditions: A systematic review


OBJECTIVE: This review aims to inform research and clinical care on the current state of knowledge on the relationship between positive affect and medication adherence. METHOD: Searches were carried out...

Barriers to the use of mobile health in improving health outcomes in developing countries: Systematic review


BACKGROUND: The use of mobile health (mHealth) technologies to improve population-level health outcomes around the world has surged in the last decade. Research supports the use of mHealth apps to...

The use of technology for sexually transmitted disease partner services in the United States: A structured review


BACKGROUND: Since the late 1990s, health departments and sexually transmitted disease (STD) programs throughout the United States have used technologies, such as the Internet and mobile phones, to provide services...

Risk factors for infectious diseases in urban environments of sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and critical appraisal of evidence


Our world is rapidly urbanizing. According to the United Nations, between 1990 and 2015, the percent of the world’s population living in urban areas grew from 43% to 54%. Estimates...

The risk of coercion in the context of HIV self-testing


Key take-home messages While studies to date indicate that there are many benefits of HIV self-testing (also known as home-testing) and the risk of harm through coerced self-testing is minimal,...

Cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review


Background: Sub-Saharan Africa carries the highest HIV burden globally. It is important to understand how interventions cost-effectively fit within guidelines and implementation plans, especially in low- and middle-income settings. We reviewed...

Are policy initiatives aligned to meet UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets impacting HIV testing and linkages to care? Evidence from a systematic review


Background: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Fast-Track initiative seeks to eliminate AIDS as a health threat by 2030, with its focus on UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. Effective policies and...

Crowdsourcing to improve HIV and sexual health outcomes: A scoping review


Purpose of review: This review synthesizes evidence on the use of crowdsourcing to improve HIV/sexual health outcomes. Recent findings: We identified 15 studies, including four completed randomized controlled trials (RCTs), one planned...

Risk behaviors for HIV infection. A review of emerging trends


HIV infection, acquired with the conscious participation of the recipient, is a complex problem of international concern, especially among men who have sex with men. Behaviors emerge such as bareback...

Seroprevalence and trend of human immunodeficiency virus among blood donors in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: Blood transfusion is one of the routine therapeutic interventions in hospitals that can be lifesaving. However, this intervention is related to several transfusion-related infections. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)...

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