Category Archives: Transgender communities
A systematic review up to 2018 of HIV and associated factors among criminal justice-involved (CJI) Black sexual and gender minority populations in the United States (US)
Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) and Black transgender women (BTW) are impacted by dual epidemics of HIV and incarceration. We advanced understanding of the relationship between criminal...
Social network strategy as a promising intervention to better reach key populations for promoting HIV prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis
INTRODUCTION: Key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM), drug users and sex workers are at high risk of HIV infection, but they are marginalised and hidden....
Missed opportunities for sexually transmitted infections testing for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis users: A systematic review
Introduction: Given the synergistic relationship between HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI), the integration of services has the potential to reduce the incidence of both HIV and STIs. We explored the...
A scoping review examining social and legal gender affirmation and health among transgender populations
Purpose: Transgender (trans) populations experience health inequities. Gender affirmation refers to psychological, social, legal, and medical validation of one’s gender and is a key social determinant of trans health. The...
A scoping review of patient preferences for HIV self-testing services in the United States: Implications for harm reduction
PURPOSE: Despite marked progress in the ability to test for, treat, and prevent HIV, the epidemic remains a significant public health concern, especially among key populations including prisoners; sex workers;...
Comparing the effects of HIV self-testing to standard HIV testing for key populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: We update a previous systematic review to inform new World Health Organization HIV self-testing (HIVST) recommendations. We compared the effects of HIVST to standard HIV testing services to understand...
Health and Health Care Access Barriers Among Transgender Women Engaged in Sex Work: A Synthesis of U.S.-Based Studies Published 2005-2019
Purpose: Transgender women (TW) are likely to experience job discrimination and engage in commercial sex transactions. As a group, they have the highest risk for HIV/AIDS. However, little is known...
A scoping review of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis stigma and implications for stigma-reduction interventions for men and transwomen who have sex with men
HIV remains a public health concern in the United States. Although pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can be expected to reduce HIV incidence, its uptake, adherence, and persistence remain limited, particularly among...
A systematic review and network meta-analyses to assess the effectiveness of HIV self-testing distribution strategies
BACKGROUND: We conducted a systematic review and network meta-analysis to identify which HIV self-testing (HIVST) distribution strategies are most effective. METHODS: We abstracted data from randomized controlled trials and observational...
Barriers to accessing sexual health services for transgender and male sex workers: A systematic qualitative meta-summary
Access to safe and effective sexual healthcare services for transgender and male sex workers (TMSW) is a human right. Globally, TMSW experience a higher prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)...
HIV preexposure prophylaxis and treatment as prevention — Beliefs and access barriers in men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women: A systematic review
PURPOSE: While the annual rate of new HIV infections and diagnoses has remained stable for most groups, troubling increases are seen in transgender women and racial/ethnic-minority men who have sex...