Category Archives: Treatment

Same-day and rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy in people living with HIV in Asia. How far have we come?


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) continues to be a major public health issue, and the effectiveness of HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care varies, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The rapid...

Oral health status of children and adolescents living with HIV undergoing antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Antiretroviral therapy (ART) increases the survival of HIV-infected children, but might also bring in oral health-related side effects and increase their risks of oral diseases. The review compared the oral...

Impact of antiretroviral therapy on oral health among children living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Oral health is an integral component of general health and well-being but might be undermined among children living with HIV (CLWH) due to the condition itself or the antiretroviral therapy...

Effect of electronic adherence monitoring on adherence and outcomes in chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis


INTRODUCTION: Electronic adherence monitoring (EAM) is increasingly used to improve adherence. However, there is limited evidence on the effect of EAM in across chronic conditions and on patient acceptability. We...

Risk factors for late linkage to care and delayed antiretroviral therapy initiation amongst HIV infected adults in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analyses


BACKGROUND: Late treatment initiation threatens the clinical and public health benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Quantitative synthesises of the existing evidence related to this is lacking in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA),...

The effect of protease inhibitors-based antiretroviral therapy on serum/plasma interleukin-6 levels among PLHIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Men who have sex with men (MSM) often change sexual behaviors following HIV diagnosis. This systematic review examined such changes, including sero-adaptive behaviors (i.e., deliberate safer-sex practices to reduce transmission...

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of a doravirine-based, three-drug regimen in treatment-naive HIV-1 positive adults: A bayesian network meta-analysis


Introduction: Extensive use of antiretroviral therapy has remarkably improved the survival rates of people living with HIV. Doravirine (DOR) is a newly-approved antiretroviral belonging to the class of non-nucleoside reverse...

Adverse perinatal outcomes associated with protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy in pregnant women living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends protease inhibitor (PI)-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) as second-line and third-line regimens in pregnant women living with HIV (WLHIV). US, European, and UK guidelines include...

Effectiveness and safety of atazanavir use for the treatment of children and adolescents living with HIV: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Atazanavir/ritonavir is recommended as a preferred second-line antiretroviral regimen in children older than 3 months, alternatively to lopinavir/ritonavir. We performed a systematic review to assess safety and effectiveness of...

Dolutegravir monotherapy as maintenance strategy: A meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomized controlled trials


Background Dolutegravir monotherapy (DTG-m) results in virological failure (VF) in some people with human immunodeficiency virus (PWH). We sought to identify the independent factors associated with the risk of VF...

How do psychosocial interventions for adolescents and young people living with HIV improve adherence and viral load? A realist review


PURPOSE: Psychosocial interventions have the potential to support adolescents and young people living with HIV (AYPLHIV) to achieve better HIV outcomes. However, more evidence is needed to understand which interventions...

Health related quality of life and its association with social support among people living with HIV/AIDS receiving antiretroviraltherapyin Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Background People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are frequently confronted with severe social issues such as rejection, abandonment, criticism, and stigma. This would negatively affect their quality of life. Several studies...

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