Category Archives: Treatment

Breast cancer and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A complex relationship


INTRODUCTION: The number and lifespan of individuals living with HIV have increased significantly with the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy. Furthermore, the incidence of breast cancer in women with HIV is...

Behavioral and cognitive interventions to improve treatment adherence and access to HIV care among older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: An updated systematic review


BACKGROUND: Approximately 14% of Africans infected with HIV are over the age of 50, yet few intervention studies focus on improving access to care, retention in care, and adherence to...

East and South East Asian women’s sexual health


Key take-home messages There is very little research that exclusively focuses on the sexual health and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and/or HIV prevention for East and South East...

The effect of mental health issues on sexual risk behaviours and antiretroviral medication adherence among men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Men who have sex with men and other sexual minorities may experience mental health problems that are rooted in sexual minority stress. Multiple mental health problems can...

Effectiveness of short message services and voice call interventions for antiretroviral therapy adherence and other outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis


BACKGROUND: The potential of using mobile phone technologies to improve antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence has provided a new facet to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) research. The quality of evidence and...

Is alcohol use associated with increased risk of developing adverse health outcomes among adults living with human immunodeficiency virus: A systematic review


BACKGROUND: Alcohol use is associated with many HIV-related behaviors that are associated with increased risk of reinfection, transmission, and poorer health outcomes in people living with HIV (PLHIV). The population...

Demographic characteristics associated with access to HAART, HIV care and HIV viral load testing


Key take-home messages In many Canadian studies, issues related to access to HAART are not addressed because it is assumed that everyone in the universal health care system has the...

The effect of alcohol consumption on ART adherence and sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Among people living with HIV, alcohol consumption can have an impact on viral load and CD4 counts and affect adherence to antiretroviral regimens. Many studies have found...

Congenital HIV: Prevention of maternal to child transmission


BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is caused by a cytopathic lentivirus. HIV without adequate treatment during pregnancy can result in maternal to child transmission (MCT) of the virus. Sequelae can...

Integrative review of literature: Nursing care to aged people with HIV


OBJECTIVE: To identify evidences in scientific Brazilian literature on nursing care to aged people with HIV. METHOD: Integrative review of literature from databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health...

The willingness of PHAs living in high-income settings to negotiate condom use and use condoms during sex


Key take-home messages There is a controversial belief held by PHAs about the efficacy of HAART to reduce or prevent HIV transmission and/or an understanding of having an undetectable viral...

Impact of victimization on the health of men who have sex with men


Key take-home messages Men who have sex with men who have been victimized report high rates of unprotected anal sex and other HIV risk behaviours. Sexual minority adults who have...

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