Category Archives: Sexual risk behaviour
Utilizing a life course approach to examine HIV risk for black adolescent girls and young adult women in the United States: A systematic review of recent literature
Objective: Black female youth have been disproportionately burdened by the HIV epidemic. Emerging literature suggests that individual and social-structural factors may uniquely increase HIV risk within this population during key...
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men (MSM): A scoping review on PrEP service delivery and programming
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an evidence-based new biomedical HIV prevention intervention, which involves the pre-emptive use of daily (or event-based) antiretroviral drugs, to reduce risk of HIV acquisition if exposed....
Systematic review of peer-reviewed literature on global condom promotion programs
Background: Globally, 1.7 million people were newly infected with HIV in 2018. Condoms are inexpensive, cost-effective, reduce HIV/STI incidence, morbidity, mortality, and unintended pregnancies, and result in health care cost...
Evidence on factors influencing contraceptive use and sexual behavior among women in South Africa: A scoping review
INTRODUCTION: Contraceptive use and sexual health behavior remain a prominent public health concern in South Africa (SA). Despite many government interventions, unintended pregnancies and termination of pregnancies remain relatively high....
HIV and drug related stigma and risk-taking behaviors among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The impact of HIV-related stigma on people living with HIV has been well documented, but there have been few studies examining how drug-related stigma impacts risk-taking in the lives of...
Effectiveness of the female condom in preventing HIV and sexually transmitted infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of female condoms for preventing HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remains inconclusive. We examined the effects of female condoms on the acquisition of HIV and STIs....
Sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV in Muslim-majority countries: A systematic mixed studies review
BACKGROUND: The number of women living with the human immunodeficiency virus (WLHIV) in Muslim-majority countries has increased significantly in the last decade. These women are often marginalized and face insecure...
Male participation in reproductive health interventions in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review
CONTEXT: Despite improvements in reproductive health indicators among women living in Sub-Saharan Africa, the persistence of poor outcomes underscores the need to examine recent interventions to inform future research, programming...
The PrEP care continuum among cisgender women who sell sex and/or use drugs globally: A systematic review
HIV prevalence among cisgender female sex workers (FSW) and/or women who use drugs (WWUD) is substantially higher compared to similarly aged women. Consistent with PRISMA guidelines, we conducted the first...
A forgotten group during humanitarian crises: A systematic review of sexual and reproductive health interventions for young people including adolescents in humanitarian settings
Background: Young people including adolescents face barriers to healthcare and increased risk of poor sexual and reproductive health (SRH), which are exacerbated in humanitarian settings. Our systematic review assessed the...